Tuesday, May 8, 2007

May 8 – Rest Day

Today would have been the best day for riding in the last week, but we took a scheduled and for most much needed rest day, our only one until we reach the Atlantic. While rest days are billed as days for the riders to recover, I believe their most important attribute is to let the staff rest. It is the only day they get off for a month and I am sure that they are shopping and repairing equipment on their ‘day off’. I slept in late and had breakfast at 7:30.

I and most everyone else did laundry. There were a great number of people who went to what may be the one bike shop in Topeka. I didn’t go but asked someone to get me a few small things. My roommate went last night and bought out the entire supply of Armadillo tires, seven. After taking two he then sold of the rest a cost to other riders, first come first served. After the spate of recent flats Armadillo tires have developed a cult reputation. We will see if that reputation is deserved.

I also had a massage today. One rider found a massage therapist on line in February and booked an appointment for today. He has had problems with an Achilles tendon and has not ridden that much during the last week. He offered the appointment to someone else. They told me about getting a massage and I asked if they could see if I could get one too. It turns out that she was willing to come to the Holiday Inn and take people in her car to her office. While I was getting a massage another rider called to set up an appointment. As she drove me back to the motel her comment was ‘and I thought I wouldn’t be very busy today’. I gave her card to the leaders and sent her an e-mail giving her the date when the next America by Bicycle tour would be in Topeka. With regard to the massage, I am feeling much better and ready to tackle the second half of the trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I've enjoyed your blog. You missed the buffet at the Union League when Pres. Hockfield came through town and the NYC Five Boro Ride, but your trip sounds like much more of an adventure. Keep up the pedaling!
David Katz