Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 10 - Las Vegas to Tucumcari (110 miles)

Today’s story is wind! When it is at your back it is a great thing. When we go outside the motel at 5:30 it was blowing. It is still blowing this afternoon. Fortunately, Tucumcari is East of Las Vegas and the winds were from the WSW. The winds blew at a steady 25 mph with gusts to 40. I rode much of the ride at over 20 mph, but on many small downhills I found myself going over 40 mph. I hit a maximum speed of 49 mph but several riders reported going as fast as 55. I is also a strange experience to top rollers at 20 mph and feel that you are really going slow, but after reaching 40+ mph on the downhill 20 mph seems slow. In general it was a glorious ride except for the few times when the road headed south and we had to fight a crosswind, in several places it was a real fight to keep the bike from going into the other lane.

My average speed for the first 100 miles was 20 mph. I slowed in Tucumcari because the route turned more toward the South and because of a few traffic lights. Tucumcari is on old Route 66. Today we crossed the route instead of riding along it. I think we will encounter it again in Oklahoma, but I am not sure. I didn’t see much to recommend Tucumcari, but our Best Western is nice. The road we rode on today, NM 104, is as deserted a highway as I can imagine. It has a good road surface and in a few places the surface is great. But over the 105 miles from the town limits of Las Vegas to the welcome to Tucumcari sign I was passed by 30 vehicles, 5 were America by Bicycle vans (1 passed me 4 times). So if I were to ride the route on some other day I might expect to be passed by one car every 4 miles. What more could a cyclist want, a sunny day with tailwinds, a good road, and no traffic. Well a down hill road would be nice. Today we lost about 2000 feet from start to finish, but also had 5000 feet of climbing. Still all things considered this was a great ride.

Last year when I did this day’s ride the winds were not as favorable I got in to the lunch stop 2 hours faster this year. I also recall having real problems at the end of the ride. There was a mesa that was always out in front of me and that it seemed I would never reach it. Today I saw the same mesa and in almost no time I had to turn my head to the side to see it. Oh what a difference a year and a tailwind can make.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the trip is a bit easier this year - better bike, better weather and winds, more experience, and as you note with that goes a bit more confidence. Keep on pedaling, and find that 10 year old to show you how to take pictures with your phone. Even if they don't make the blog we want to see them later. Robin